FAQ & Privacy Policy
How do I order? Once you have found an item that interests you, simply click the Add One button or link. For items such as T-shirts and sweatshirts, you must also choose your size. When you have finished adding items to the cart, click the Checkout button (on the left side and at the bottom of each page).
Can I change or cancel an order? You may change or cancel any item from your order, provided that it has not yet entered the shipping process, by contacting us by e-mail, phone or fax. Changes and cancellations cannot be made online.
How do I find what I'm looking for?Go to Search and enter a key word, such as "sweatshirt," or if you have a catalog, enter the item number, such as "L567." Click on the "Search" button, and a list of related products will be displayed. Click on any item in the list for a product description. You can also view products by their category by clicking on any of the buttons down the left-hand side, such as Tees, Shirts, or Hats.
How do I return/exchange an item? If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your order, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund, replacement or exchange. To help us rapidly process your request, please return a copy of your e-mail confirmation with the merchandise. Please state if you wish a refund, replacement or exchange. We recommend that you return items via UPS or an insured mail service for your protection. Please note that Zia Graphics will only refund shipping if your return was a result of our error. An additional $6.95 for shipping will be charged for any exchanges. Please send returns to: New Mexico Look c/o Zia Graphics, 2730 Carlisle NE Albuquerque, NM 87110
How much does shipping cost? For orders shipped within the continental United States, we offer a flat shipping rate of $6.95. Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii are subject to higher shipping rates. We also offer 2nd Day as well as Overnight shipping. All orders are subject to 2-3 days for processing.
Can I have my order sent to a P.O. Box? Street addresses are normally required to ensure we deliver your order as expected. If you do not have a street address (i.e. PO Box Only), please call our Customer Service Department for assistance at 1.800.882.8852 prior to placing your order.
Are online orders secure? Zia Graphics, Inc./New Mexico Look wants you to feel completely comfortable about ordering items from our site. We use the latest security measures and encryption tools to make our site secure and to keep your personal information safe. All Internet transactions are encrypted using Secure Socket Layers (SSL).
Can I change or cancel an order? You may change or cancel any item from your order, provided that it has not yet entered the shipping process, by contacting us by e-mail, phone or fax. Changes and cancellations cannot be made online.
To change or cancel an order, please send your request via e-mail to customerservice@ziagraphics.com or call 1 (800) 882-8852. Please be sure to refer to your order number found at the top of your invoice.
After I place an order, will I receive a confirmation? Yes, you will receive two confirmations. The first confirmation is displayed in your browser window after the order is placed. This invoice includes your order number, shipping and billing information, products purchased, and order total. For security reasons, it does not show credit card information. The second confirmation is sent via e-mail. It includes the same information. Again, for your protection, it does not include credit card information. If you do not receive the e-mail confirmation, please call us at 1 (800) 882-8852 to verify that we have the correct e-mail address on file.How do I find what I'm looking for?Go to Search and enter a key word, such as "sweatshirt," or if you have a catalog, enter the item number, such as "L567." Click on the "Search" button, and a list of related products will be displayed. Click on any item in the list for a product description. You can also view products by their category by clicking on any of the buttons down the left-hand side, such as Tees, Shirts, or Hats.
How do I return/exchange an item? If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your order, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund, replacement or exchange. To help us rapidly process your request, please return a copy of your e-mail confirmation with the merchandise. Please state if you wish a refund, replacement or exchange. We recommend that you return items via UPS or an insured mail service for your protection. Please note that Zia Graphics will only refund shipping if your return was a result of our error. An additional $6.95 for shipping will be charged for any exchanges. Please send returns to: New Mexico Look c/o Zia Graphics, 2730 Carlisle NE Albuquerque, NM 87110
How much does shipping cost? For orders shipped within the continental United States, we offer a flat shipping rate of $6.95. Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii are subject to higher shipping rates. We also offer 2nd Day as well as Overnight shipping. All orders are subject to 2-3 days for processing.
Can I have my order sent to a P.O. Box? Street addresses are normally required to ensure we deliver your order as expected. If you do not have a street address (i.e. PO Box Only), please call our Customer Service Department for assistance at 1.800.882.8852 prior to placing your order.
Are online orders secure? Zia Graphics, Inc./New Mexico Look wants you to feel completely comfortable about ordering items from our site. We use the latest security measures and encryption tools to make our site secure and to keep your personal information safe. All Internet transactions are encrypted using Secure Socket Layers (SSL).